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Home >> Case >> Indentation Tester Technology Overview
Indentation Tester Technology Overview
News Source:   2024-11-19 15:24:56

Indentation Tester Technology Overview:

The indentation tester currently holds strategic value and to some extent, it can be considered a contest of national strength.

The instrument is compact in structure (3 kg), providing great convenience for on-site online services.

Multifunctionality: The device is versatile, capable of measuring tensile/compressive stress & welding residual stress, hardness, strain hardening exponent, and yield strength. It uses non-destructive testing to assess the "inherent safety" of service equipment.

Main Differences Between Indentation Tester and Traditional Testing Methods:
  1. Non-destructive (Traditional methods are mostly destructive tests, such as impact tests, bending tests, and tensile tests).
  2. Versatility (Traditional testing requires a variety of testing machines to obtain the aforementioned data).
  3. Rapid response. The indentation tester can produce test data within approximately 10 minutes, whereas traditional testing methods can take several days.
  4. Portability. The indentation tester completes measurements directly at the equipment site, whereas traditional methods generally require returning to the laboratory to conduct various tests.

Tester,Tester Technology